A Battle with the Best and the Brightest, Globally.
The International Entrepreneurial Competition (IEC), encompasses information, insight, training, and tools necessary for anyone with the entrepreneurial spirit, particularly students majoring in Business, to start their journey.
Ten deserving aspiring entrepreneurs or teams will be awarded a FREE business website, expert business guidance, and consultancy services from creative agency, W.D. Strategies to make your startup come to life.

Why We Do, What We Do.
We believe in the creativity, intelligence, and innovation of our youth to leace our world a better place. Their bright ideas will be the next tech unicorn, or leading brand. With the IEC, the next generation of entrepreneurs can bring their ideas into a reality.

Steps to Success
The Shih Chien International Entrepreneurship Competition requires students to think outside-the-box, collaborate with each other, innovate beyond limits, and share their bright ideas.
These steps of success are essential components to competing in the contest, and to the students' experience. All participants will leave the contest with not only a real business plan, but with the skills of a capable entrepreneur.

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."
- Steve Jobs